Strida 5 Usability Review Video

The Updated version is here. :wink:

Uploaded by innomind on Mar 2, 2011

This is a Usability Review of a Strida 5 foldable bike, which is designed by Mark Sanders and manufactured by Areaware.
Conducted over a month and a half period, this usability review portrays real user test rides that tell you the truth about what they felt about this bike.

This review includes:
Unpacking and Assembly
Strida on the Bus
Strida in the Metro/Subway
Strida in the rain
Conclusion and Usability notes
Freestyling about Strida by El Capitain

Test riders
Lia, Angel, and Ksenia, Ksenia, Daniel (Falling off of Srida 5), Daniel, Dara, Jermain, John, Ted, Jordana, Jasper, Lawrence

Sneak peek about “If Mode” full-size foldable bike designed by Mark Sanders in collaboration with Michael Lin and Ryan Carroll

Also, check out the exclusive audio interview with Mark Sanders (inventor of Strida) on