3 Gear Box Strida EVO3

Hello Karl,

at Stridaforum
Most likely they required infos are present already - just to find it may be tricky, I do know that very well :confused:

Yes indeed, there may occure problems - with the standard, short handlebars.
But not with either the bent steering kit or the moustache bars:

That is solely your decision, depending on many very personal attributes.
Besides of the financial aspect, the local road situation (hills?) and other logical considerations Iā€™d recommend that you ask yourself questions like these:

  • Can I do simple maintenance by myself?
  • If not, as there is no Strida dealer near - is there another experienced and nice bike workshop within reach who could assist me?
  • Am I willing and able to install, for example, a kit of wider steering bars by myself?

Most likely you mean the development and the EVO drive info is right here:
Re: Gear ratios information about different models of Strida

Hint: To find more about the EVO drive please use the forum search and keyword ā€œSturmey Archer KS3ā€, too :wink:

Kind regards,
