My 5 cents to put in. Belt twisted during starting on a green light:
Caught between snubber bolt and brake disc:
Some facts:
The belt is (relatively) new.
The freewheel is almost worn out, but there was no slipping yet.
The freewheel is contaminated with dirt, it is possible to rotate the rear wheel in both directions using pedals when the bike is upside down (and the pedals rotate when I walk the bike).
The snubber bearing is turning freely.
Belt tension was rather low (after belt snapping I have returned to “normal” tension).
I am far from weight limit for strida - my weight is ~75kg.
Part #338 is bent indeed (both the disc part and the stem - it now has partial internal thread from the bolt =))):
Since the belt is now doomed(?) anyway I think of replacing just the part #338 - to see if it is the only culprit or not.
Or I could replace part #338 and the freewheel and see if the once twisted belt is prone to subsequent twisting even if the culprit is removed.
What do you think?