My last topic: bye bye Strida

Dear Bietrume,

that’s anyway a big loss for the Stridaforum :cry:

Thank you very much for your time and the repeatedly, kind sharing of your enormous knowledge.
Reading above mentioned points it’s quite understandable; the Strida doesn’t match really to your commuting circumstances,
I mean it’s showing your sympathy for the bike that you tried for such a long time.
You will not have noticed that - but, as a standing customer and engineer,
you reversed indeed the words of Strida’s manufacturer!

Regarding Strida techs you’re so right…
At least we can say we’ve warned…if this is just the beginning (what I’m afraid of)…

Many thanks also for the compliments; but in fact delivered YOU either inspiration or solution for many of my posts.
And it was also YOU who presented finally the detailed explanation of this highly important issue.
Milestones like that will not be forgotten…

Bietrume, please consider to visit us occasionally,
and have a safe ride on your P8!


Personally, I’m not that sad as in the forum contributors position;
out of just one reason:
Bietrume and me will keep contact :smiley:
