Availability Trilock system


I’m new on this forum and i recently bought a secondhand Strida 5.
I experienced some creaking on the rear axle and i read a lot about this problem on this forum.
I think cleaning and greasing (according to topics) all parts of the rear axle and mounting the Trilock system could solve this problem definitly.
I read that the trilock sytem is currently unavailable and i would know when approximately the system is available again in Europe.


Hello Marc,

welcome at Stridaforum! :smiley:

That depends on all of you guys!
The more requests I receive, the sooner I’ll let manufacture a second series of TriLock nuts!

So far, I’m waiting - your request is the second since November '22…

Best regards,



Thanks Chris for the quick reply.
When i look at all problems and topics it can’t be that i,m one of the few with this problem who is seeking for a good and permanent solution.
All the suppliers named in this forum are all out of stock.

So i reply the request to all of the forum visitors and members: request for Trilock nuts so a second series can be maufactured!!!



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I do agree with you, you’re certainly not alone with this problem.
Just, only a few find their way into this forum.

Maybe a bit more info:
CNC machining takes 2 - 3 weeks.
Anodizing another 1 - 2 weeks.
The costs for 100 TriLock nuts back then was 820 € :worried:
Collecting the standard parts, packaging etc…tons of work (and much money) for a private person…


I mailed the Dutch importer/supplier (Strida.nl), also supplier for Germany and maybe Austria? maybe he can place an order of 100 or more pieces.
In the meantime i ll go with the solution as described by you in Juni 2015.
I can make make 1 washer out of 0,2 mm stainless steel, round the cup spring and a standard M8steel washer and further instructions as described by you.
This prevents anyway further damage to the (soft) aluminium rear axle.


Hi Marc,

I will also talk with Friso myself.
For Germany: As said, there is no more German general distributor!
For Austria: We had never a general distributor, we were connected with Strida Germany.

I separate between four different methods to handle the problem:

  1. Rear hinge kit - with 0,2 mm stainless steel shim.
  2. Spacer method - “elongating” the axle with steel spacers:

    (To be exact; above is actually a mix between 2. and 4.)
  3. TriLock kit by Mark Sanders - with special nut and plastic washer.
  4. Brass method - my personal solution, with armour shim, custom fine-pitch bolt and brass wear parts as shown below:

Just for you and right now, we can try to use mixed methods if you like :wink:



Hello Chris,

I saw all the methods as described by yourself.
I chose the method i described because i only have to order a small sheet (Aliexpress) of stailess steel, make with hand/electric tools one washer and then the other things i can easy buy and do it myself.
For the second (spacer method)method i don’t know where i can buy a spacer with extra elevation edge(before brass spacers)
I don’t have a lathe.
If i need 100 or 1000 it’s easy to order but not one or two
The third method is not available.
I saw the fourth (brass method) method earlier and i too think this is a very nice solution and if you can supply me with one set this would be great.
I live in The Netherlands
You can send me a personal message.



Hi Mark, I have an unused Trilock Systen that I don’t need because I solved my clicking strida by greasing the nylon washer on the rear axle. Try it to see if it solves your problem.
If Chris doesn’t make more Trilocks and doesn’t find other solution to his problem, send me a private message and we’ll talk.

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Hello Srident,

Thanks very much for your help and offer, but Chris ( [Blackstridaaustria) is also very kind and helpful and offered me to make his brass system solution and we are in private contact about this.



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Ok, remember that the Strida rear axle is very delicate due to its complexity. This needs to compensate for multiple efforts in different directions, freewheel traction, braking inertia, vertical bumps, as well as opening and closing of folding and unfolding, and all this on a single ball bearing.
Prolonged use acceptable on any other bike will soon cause problems on the Strida.

Hmmm, actually we have three ball bearings sitting on the rear axle: two in the rear hub and one inside of the freewheel :thinking:

Hello Strident

Yes i know about the complexity of the Strida rear axle.
That’s why i have trust in Chris (blackstridaaustria) because he is a skilled technician, knows what he’s doing and that this is the achilles heel of Strida.
He has been studying this problem for 12 years and wrote a lot about this on this forum and elsewhere.



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Hello, I’m sorry I didn’t express myself well, I wanted to say a support point. A normal bicycle has two on each wheel.

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Hi all,
Just bought a used Strida myself and yes, also dealing with the dreaded rear hinge squeak.
Please put me on the list for Trilock order.
And Chris, if you have another solution available, please PM me.
Strident,if you still have that Trilock available, I am interested.

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Hi Ben,

welcome at Stridaforum :smiley:
Pm sent.



Please see this new post about how to order the trilock system: Ordering the STRIDA Trilock System