Anyone know where I can get a replacement reflector strip and the strida decals? I emailed Ming and Strida USA but no replies?
Hello taichifrank,
welcome at Stridaforum!
That’s weird, may I ask, did you use (for Ming) the webform or one of these:
Whom did you try to contact in USA?
For the reflecting strip:
You might use this
(Google for “Respro Hi-Viz”)
replacement material, it is looking slightly different (no “square” structure) and should be available in white (or silver), black(!) and yellow.[size=150]*[/size]
Are you (your friends, colleagues, relatives) familiar with a PC and a printer?
The Strida logo can be found easily via web search…
You might use self-adhesive printer foils, or, and I believe that’s more elegant, use a cutting plotter.
So it is also possible to cut the desired decals out of reflective sheet
Many thanks to Genuine_S here,
I just needed to follow the advice of my dear Japanese friend to achieve decals like shown below:
I do actually know just two persons which I could ask for original spare decals, friends from Taiwan and Hong Kong…not a really quick solution for sure…
[size=150]*[/size]Yes, I do know, these are full sheets (I mean they are A4 size - 210 x 297 mm) and you need a tenth of it for the strip - with decals you need maximal a fourth…
It would be no problem to cut decals and/or pieces of white or black sheets for you, but:
- Postage will be much higher than actual material costs (stripe 20 x ~ 300 mm + 4 logos maybe around 5 €).
- Transportation itself will be problematic because the transfer foil doesn’t have much adhesion (single letters, especially the little i-point, might easily peel-off and stick anywhere…)
Best regards,
That looks so slick and pro. I cannot help to dig out this thread.
It’s such an interesting option to personalize the Strida. Or for the owners of vintage Stridas. (MK1 bargain owners, I’m looking at you.^^)
Another thread that shows how to fix the stickers in pro style: