Strida Mk1

Hello everyone, I have two Strida Mk1 bikes and a few spares that I would like to sell as I haven’t used the bikes for some years, could anyone help me with their value please.

Hello BigAlagain,

well, depending on buyer and condition, I’d say that will be between 50 and 1000 Euros, approximately…

Dear Sir, please don’t get me wrong, but that will not work this way.
You can’t expect a serious reply without supplying anything :smiley:
And even with frame numbers, HQ images, detailed part listings etc. I’d not dare to judge over the bike’s value.

I believe we are talking here definitely about “collector’s items”, these are ancient rarities and their value will depend mainly on the (rare) collectors.

That seems a bit too optimistic… :open_mouth:

Please let me know if you need assistance for uploading/image resizing/anything :wink:

…and good luck :smiley:


Hi Blackstridaaustria

Thanks for your reply. If you could please advise me on how-to, I will try to add photos. Also every time I change pages or try to post on this site I get logged out and have to log in again, am I doing something wrong?


Hi BigAlagain,

first, due to our ancient forum software I do not think that you made something wrong!
(I do have moderators, but not administrator rights, sadly unable to fix anything on that :cry: )
Second, it is still impossible to add images directly here - plz read the anouncement three lines above this thread.

I mean it would be ideal for you (also for selling at other platforms) to have a bunch of images online (stored at any, preferred free, image hoster).
Alternatively you could send me your pics and I’ll put them on photobucket (not the best choice, but would do).



Hello again Blackstridaaustria

Thanks for your reply, I understand what you say about being unable to upload photos directly here, I’m not too savvy about computer stuff but my daughter will be visitibg me over the Easter period so I will try to get her to help me. If I’m sucessful I’ll let you know. I appreiciate that you can’t value my bikes, but if after seeing the photos you were able to give me the benifit of your experience as a Strider owner, and advise me as to what you think would be a fair valuation I would appreiciate it very much.

Thanks again for taking the time to read my posts.