Hi there!
I recently came across the Strida, got interested, found a dealer in Vienna and rode it for about 5 minutes.
It felt great but as I am rather tall I am concerned about the long-term experience, as I was not able to straighten the legs and I had the impression of being in danger to hit the handle bar with one knee while performing the upwards movement. Thus I am looking for an opportunity to kind of borrow a strida here in Vienna to see how it would feel to ride it for one hour or two.
Thanks, with-wings
Hello withwings,
welcome at Stridaforum!
Nothing more easy than that; you may either go to my friend Mike’s store
Ottakringer Straße 71
1160 Wien
0681/104 077 44
there is a silver SX with bent steering available, or please feel free to contact me,
in the North of Vienna are two Strida SD with wide steering located
and I’d be very happy to meet you 
Btw, I’m 1,89 m tall…
Thank you, Chris, for the swift reply!
So, you are 3 cm taller than I am 
Aber die Gesamtgröße ist nicht alleine auschlaggebend, sondern die Länge der einzelnen Körperteile - sprich Oberschenkel, schätz ich mal.
What’s the difference between the SD and the SX. The SD is not listed on the Strida webpage.
16" vs 18"?
And what’s wide steering? Any pictures?
I will probably contact “das faltrad” first, because it seems to be nearer to where I am located.
The Strida is not listed on their webpage so I didn’t assume they have it.
You said, you are in the North. 1220?
Ganz genau - da hilft nur Ausprobieren 
Strida SD is the older two speed drive, replaced nowadays by the 3 speed EVO.
Both of mine are equipped at the moment with 18 inch, but if you want you may also try 16" wheels.

See also:
Grips for bend stear kit
At Mike’s hompeage there must be the Strida logo.
No, 1210.